About Innatrix

Company Overview

Innatrix is an agricultural biotechnology company developing sustainable biological products to control untreatable crop diseases, pests and weeds. We have received a U.S. patent to protect our key protein evolution technology. We are funded by a NSF SBIR grant, and found our market fit after going through the rigorous NSF I-Corps program.


We are combining an understanding of the dynamics of pathogen/host interactions, with patented protein evolution technology, to develop novel biopesticides.

Compared to conventional approaches to developing pesticides, we are using a more economical way to develop eco-friendly protein-based biopesticides for controlling untreatable and economically important crop pathogens. Pathogen/pest resistance is a huge issue in the field. Based on the robustness of our patented protein evolution technology, we can rapidly evolve new biopesticides to manage this issue.

Products in the Pipeline